UIViewController Extension to Display Alert

Here are two extension functions you can add on UIViewController which make it easy to display alerts. One of the functions will show an alert with a single action option, and the other will show an alert with two options.

extension UIViewController {
    func showAlert(title: String? = nil,
                   message: String,
                   actionTitle: String? = nil,
                   handler: ((UIAlertAction) -> Void)? = nil) {
        let alertController = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
        let action = UIAlertAction(title: actionTitle ?? "OK", style: .default, handler: handler)
        self.present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)

    func showDuoAlert(title: String? = nil,
                      message: String,
                      primaryActionTitle: String,
                      primaryActionHandler: ((UIAlertAction) -> Void)? = nil,
                      primaryActionStyle: UIAlertAction.Style = .default,
                      secondaryActionTitle: String,
                      secondaryActionStyle: UIAlertAction.Style = .default,
                      secondaryActionHandler: ((UIAlertAction) -> Void)? = nil) {
        let alert = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: secondaryActionTitle,
                                      style: secondaryActionStyle,
                                      handler: secondaryActionHandler))
        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: primaryActionTitle,
                                      style: primaryActionStyle,
                                      handler: primaryActionHandler))
        present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

Use within  UIViewController:

showAlert(message: "Error", actionTitle: "Close") { _ in

showDuoAlert(title: "Error",
             message: "There was an error with your request. What would you like to do?",
             primaryActionTitle: "Close",
             primaryActionHandler: { _ in self.closeAndLogout() },
             secondaryActionTitle: "Go Back",
             secondaryActionHandler: { _ in self.goBack() })